A feature length documentary by Svetlana Strelnikowa Sometimes it's necessary to go to the edge, to learn something new. A microcosm at the edge of Europe. The tiny Greek island Gavdos is considered to be a paradise outside civilization. Life on the island is tough: drinkable water is scarce, there are no petrol stations, airports or banks, yet it attracts people from all over the world. A community of Russian former nuclear scientists came to this island 20 years ago, where they conduct a lifelong experiment which is based on the philosophy of Pythagoras. Even if the island population is small, the dynamics are the same as in the rest of the world. The island population is divided. There are differences between the proponents of a tourist industry that would bring money and structure, and all those who reject state control and want to enjoy their simple, free life. Focusing on this microcosm at the extremities of Europe – this film investigates the rules of the modern society and its values.